“Sri Lanka, retour sur un massacre oublié” par Mark Bradley

“La semaine dernière à Genève, le Conseil des droits de l’homme des Nations unies a adopté une résolution visant à faire la lumière sur des crimes de guerre commis entre 2002 et 2009 au Sri Lanka. Entre autres, l’extermination de 40 000 à 70 000 civils, selon les estimations de l’ONU, très majoritairement des Tamouls, par l’armée gouvernementale durant les derniers mois d’une guerre qui a ensanglanté ce pays de l’océan Indien durant plus de vingt-cinq ans, un massacre que le gouvernement de Colombo a toujours nié.”

via: http://www.ledevoir.com/international/actualites-internationales/404152/sri-lanka-retour-sur-un-massacre-oublie

source: www.ledevoir.com

“A month into digging, 36 skeletons recovered from mass-grave in Mannar” by therepublicsquare.com

“A group of construction workers who were laying water pipes stumbled across and unmarked mass grave in the North-Western town of Mannar. This is what has happened so far, and a bit of background.”

via: http://www.therepublicsquare.com/politics/2014/01/17/a-month-into-digging-36-skeletons-recovered-from-mass-grave-in-mannar/

source: www.therepublicsquare.com

“The Truth about the Assassination of 17 Humanitarian Aid Workers in Sri Lanka” by Action Against Hunger

Ahead of International Human Rights Day, observed on 10th December, humanitarian organisation Action Against Hunger | ACF International reveals publicly for the first time who is responsible for the assassination of the 17 humanitarian aid workers killed on 4th August 2006 in the city of Muttur, Sri Lanka, and who protected the perpetrators of the crime. In one of the most serious crimes ever committed against humanitarian workers, the 17 aid workers were lined up, forced to their knees and shot in the head.

Entitled The Truth about the Assassination of 17 Humanitarian Aid Workers in Sri Lanka, the report unveils that according to the information ACF holds, the aid workers were assassinated by members of the Sri Lankan security forces and the criminals were covered up by Sri Lankan top authorities.

Download the full report here http://cl.ly/2d0Z0s173E14

Read the full press release by ACF (and access the online version of the report) herehttp://www.actionagainsthunger.org.uk/mediaroom/latest-news/the-truth-about-the-assassination-of-17-humanitarian-aid-workers-in-sri-lanka/

“From Sri Lanka, questions about wars” by Praveen Swami (The Hindu)

The real question in the debate over India’s Sri Lanka policy isn’t whether it is pragmatic or ethical. It goes, instead, to the heart of the ethics of the wars our country fights, and will fight in years to come”

via: http://www.thehindu.com/opinion/lead/from-sri-lanka-questions-about-wars/article5368610.ece

source: www.thehindu.com