“Sri Lanka disaster authorities failed to issue early warnings for storm that killed 202 people” by Amantha Perera

“As floodwaters recede in Sri Lanka after monsoon rains killed at least 202 people and forced more than 80,00 from their homes, questions are being asked over the government’s failure to put in place preparedness measures that could have saved lives.”

To read more: http://www.irinnews.org/news/2017/05/31/sri-lanka-disaster-authorities-failed-issue-early-warnings-storm-killed-202-people

“Farming recovery in Sri Lanka’s ex-war zone exposes water woes” by Amantha Perera

Since Sri Lanka’s three-decade civil war ended in 2009, Nagarathnam Ganeshan has faced a major new uncertainty: how much water he will have to grow his crops.

see: http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/08/12/us-sri-lanka-agriculture-water-idUSKCN0QH0BV20150812