“President of the Vavuniya Citizens Committee attacked for organising Jeyakumary protest” by freejeyakumary.wordpress.com

“Mr. G. Thevaraja, the President of the Vavuniya Citizens Committee (VCC) was attacked around 5.30-6pm this evening (8th Oct), whilst he was riding his motorbike back home from his shop in Nedunkerny. He had gone to his shop soon after Chairing an afternoon meeting with the VCC to discuss the ‪#‎FreeJeyakumary‬ campaign protest to be held on Friday, Oct 10th, 2014, in Vavuniya. He was assaulted by 4 persons in civil, who rode two motorbikes and attacked him with iron rods. His head was saved due to him having worn a helmet, but even his helmet was damaged in the attack. Whilst beating him, his attackers also threatened him using broken Tamil (non-native speaker),“You are going to organize a campaign for Jeyakumary. If You do not stop that, we will kill you!” The attack took place between the Nedunkerny army camp and police station. The attackers were allegedly non-Tamil speaking. He was rushed to the Nedunkerny hospital and has been since transferred to the Vavuniya hospital to receive treatment. His condition is not believed to be critical at the moment.”

Other related articles;


– Lanka Focus News

– Tamil Guardian

– Global Tamil News

– Colombo Telegraph

The Vavuniya Citizens Committee (VCC)  will hold a #FreeJeyakumary Public Protest,  calling for her release and all those held in detention without charges, on Friday, Oct 10th, at 10am, opposite the Court House building, Vavuniya.

Particularly in light of last night’s (8th) attack on the President of the VCC, in yet another attempt by the State to intimidate and silence dissent in Sri Lanka, we must stand together in solidarity for the truth, justice and accountability.

source: http://freejeyakumary.wordpress.com/

“Protests meet David Cameron in Sri Lanka – video” by Channel 4

Channel 4 News have released a video report on the dramatic scenes that took place in Jaffna, Northern Sri Lanka today.

Large crowds of relatives of the disappeared gathered outside Jaffna library (where David Cameron was present) to make a desperate plea for justice for their missing loved ones, many of whom are suspected to have been abducted with the active involvement or complicity of government forces. It has been estimated that one person is ‘dissapeared’ every five days in Sri Lanka.

Jon Snow has reported that he is “seriously worried” that those who have spoken to Cameron and the media today will face reprisals after they have gone.

via: watch the video

source: http://link.brightcove.com