“The ‘Unfinished War’ Against Sri Lanka’s Tamils” by Taylor Dibbert

This is a well-written, timely document which underscores the grave and comprehensive challenges that ethnic Tamils continue to face in post-war Sri Lanka. The detailed accounts of torture and rape are difficult to read, but – aside from the horrific violations recounted – what really stands out is the comprehensive, wide-ranging and pernicious nature of Sri Lanka’s state security apparatus, which continues to operate with impunity.

see: http://thediplomat.com/2015/07/the-unfinished-war-against-sri-lankas-tamils/

“Sri Lanka: New report names torture camps and perpetrators” by Athula Vithanage

“A security force insider has told ITJP researchers that military intelligence officials operating from JOSEF camp ‘were actively looking for any Tamils returning home from abroad in order to interrogate them’, since President Maithripala Sirisena was elected to office in 2015. ITJP has recorded eight accounts of torture and abuse that happened after January 8, 2015, the most recent in July 2015.”

see: http://www.jdslanka.org/index.php/news-features/human-rights/543-sri-lanka-new-report-names-torture-camps-and-perpetrators

“Post-War Systemic Breakdown Blamed For Jaffna Rape and Mayhem” by P.K.Balachandran

COLOMBO: Dr.Daya Somasundaram, Professor of Psychiatry at Jaffna University, blames the breakdown of traditional social and administrative structures for the gang rape and murder of 18 year old school girl, S.Vithya, at Pungudithivu on May 13, and the mayhem that engulfed Sri Lanka’s Northern Province subsequently.via: http://www.newindianexpress.com/world/Post-War-Systemic-Breakdown-Blamed-For-Jaffna-Rape-and-Mayhem/2015/05/22/article2827962.ece

Report “Broadening gender: Why masculinities matter” by by CARE International Sri Lanka

The study, “Broadening gender: Why masculinities matter – a study on attitudes, practices and gender-based violence in four districts in Sri Lanka” was conducted by CARE International Sri Lanka, under its Empowering Men to Engage and Redefine Gender Equality project and launched in April 2013.

via: http://www.partners4prevention.org/resource/broadening-gender-why-masculinities-matter

“Rape and domestic violence in Sri Lanka: Triggered by a mind-set?” by Ingeborg Vinding

The CARE report also shows that the main reason the men conducted sexual violence was because of their “sexual entitlement”, which underpins that the problem lies within the mind-set and perception of Sri Lankan men. According to Rosanna Flamer-Caldera this thinking is also present in the current generation of young men: “They are brought up in houses where their fathers are doing these things to their mothers, abuse have to stop, and until one person in that generation decides to stop it, it will go on from generation to generation.”

via: http://groundviews.org/2015/04/07/rape-and-domestic-violence-in-sri-lanka-triggered-by-a-mind-set/

“Rapes surge in Sri Lanka amid weak laws” by Dinouk Colombage

In Features: Recent allegations that a naval officer in the northern city of Jaffna raped an 11-year-old girl have cast a spotlight on the growing problem of sexual violence in Sri Lanka. According to police figures, incidents of rape have increased by nearly 20 percent in the last two years, with 4,393 cases registered during 2012-2014 as compared to 3,624 in 2010-2012. “While this particular case has received significant media attention, thousands of others do not,” said Professor Savithri Fernando, who counsels victims of sexual abuse.

Read more: http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/features/2014/08/rapes-surge-sri-lanka-amid-weak-marital-laws-201481772359790802.html

“Navy Launches Investigation Into Rape” by Camelia Nathaniel

The navy has launched an investigation into the rape of a young girl in Jaffna.

The identification parade was held last Friday of seven naval personnel arrested for the rape of the 11-year-old Tamil girl in the Kytes area.

via: http://www.thesundayleader.lk/2014/07/20/navy-launches-investigation-into-rape/

“Sri Lankan politician jailed for murdering Briton and raping partner” by theguardian.com

A Sri Lankan ruling party politician and three accomplices have been sentenced to 20 years in jail for murdering a British holidaymaker on Christmas Eve and raping his Russian partner in the southern resort of Tangalle in 2011.

via: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jul/18/sri-lanka-politcian-guilty-murder-british-man

“One Sri Lankan Tamil’s testimony: beaten, branded, suffocated and raped” by Frances Harrison and Julian Borger

“It started that first night at the police station in Colombo, with kicking, punching, slapping and beating with blunt instruments. Siva was hung upside down by his feet, his hands tied behind his back, and his head submerged in a barrel of water.

He was suffocated by having a plastic bag soaked in petrol tied over his head. He was, branded on several occasions with a hot metal rod, leaving 11 visible scars on his back, and burned with cigarettes leaving at least 17 visible scars.

An expert independent medical report subsequently obtained in the UK confirms Siva’s scars are consistent with his account of torture. He also has the arrest warrant and court documents renewing his detention to prove he was indeed held in custody.”

via: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jun/10/sri-lankan-tamil-beaten-raped-deportation-uk

source: www.theguardian.com

“Sri Lanka army admits torture and abuse of women recruits” by Amal Jayasinghe

Sri Lanka’s military admitted on Saturday soldiers had abused and tortured female recruits, a rare admission of guilt after years of allegations over its personnel’s treatment of Tamil rebels during an uprising.

via: http://www.chinapost.com.tw/asia/other/2014/03/23/403481/Sri-Lanka.htm

source: www.chinapost.com.tw

“Sri Lanka Tamils subjected to horrific abuse after 2009 civil war, says report” by Paul Farrell

“Horrifying details of sexual and physical abuse, including forced oral sex, anal rape and water torture, have been documented in a new report on Sri Lanka’s treatment of Tamils after the end of the 2009 civil war, which includes testimony from returned asylum seekers and raises further questions about Australia’s deportation of Tamils.”

via: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/mar/21/sri-lanka-tamils-subjected-to-horrific-abuse-after-2009-civil-war-says-report

The full report with witness testimonies can be downloaded from here: http://www.stop-torture.com/

“Sri Lanka’s unanswered questions over human rights” by Fergal Keane reports for BBC

23 October 2013 Last updated at 22:49 BST

“The BBC has spoken to people in Sri Lanka who say they have been threatened with rape and tortured at the hands of officials.

The group Human Rights Watch says rape and sexual violence are widely used against detainees, something the government denies.

Sri Lanka’s Foreign Minister has said the country’s investigations into human rights violations have been adequate.

With less than a month to go until the Commonwealth conference in Sri Lanka, the government there has rejected calls for it to co-operate with an international inquiry into human rights violations.”

Click to watch the video: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-24648595

source: www.bbc.co.uk

« We Will Teach You a Lesson: Sexual Violence against Tamils by Sri Lankan Security Forces » Report by Human Rights Watch

This report provides detailed accounts of 75 cases of alleged rape and sexual abuse that occurred from 2006-2012 in both official and secret detention centers throughout Sri Lanka . In the cases documented by Human Rights Watch, men and women reported being raped on multiple days, often by several people, with the army, police, and pro-government paramilitary groups frequently participating.

Ce rapport contient des comptes rendus détaillés de 75 cas de viol et d’abus sexuels présumés qui ont eu lieu de 2006 à 2012 dans des centres de détention tant officiels que secrets dans divers lieux à Sri Lanka. Dans les cas documentés par Human Rights Watch, des hommes et des femmes ont déclaré avoir été violés pendant plusieurs jours, souvent par plusieurs personnes, avec la participation fréquente de membres de l’armée, de la police et de groupes paramilitaires pro-gouvernementaux.

To download the report/ Pour télécharger le rapport : srilanka0213HWR

“Sri Lanka: Rape of Tamil Detainees” by Human Rights Watch

Sri Lankan security forces have been using rape and other forms of sexual violence to torture suspected members or supporters of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. While widespread rape in custody occurred during the armed conflict that ended in May 2009, Human Rights Watch found that politically motivated sexual violence by the military and police continues to the present.

Click on the link to read the article: http://www.hrw.org/news/2013/02/26/sri-lanka-rape-tamil-detainees

source: www.hrw.org