“Sri Lankan Buddhists to carry out the law” by AlJazeeraEnglish

There’s growing tension between hardline buddhists and Muslims and Christians. A group of Buddhist organizations in Sri Lanka says they will have to take the law into their own hands to protect the Sinhala Buddhist way of life. They say authorities are not doing enough, leaving them little choice. Al Jazeera’s Minelle Fernandez reports from Colombo.

Via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9rmAQgl-w8

source: AlJazeeraEnglish via Youtube.com

Nirmala Rajasingam’s interview “Sri Lanka: Many Challenges apart from the Tamil National Question” (Newsclickin)

Nirmala Rajasingam, founder of the Sri Lanka Democracy Forum and who is based in the United Kingdom speaks to Newsclick about the challenges faced by the civil society and democracy activists in Sri Lanka. She appeals to the Tamil speaking people in India, the international civil society and the Left in India, to be cognisant of the new challenges faced in post-civil war Sri Lanka, where militarisation, military triumphalism, neoliberalism and Sinhala Buddhist Nationalism have created new discontents apart from the still un-rehabilitated and traumatised Tamil populations – both in the North and the East and in the plantations and the hill country.

To watch the interview click on the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=1ty9mp7P3ac

source: www.youtube.com