“Neither of their manifestoes states anything about refugees living outside the country. My plight in the Trichy camp is no better than those at the Chettikulam camp in Lanka. How does it affect me if Mahinda or Sirisena wins?”
Archives par mot-clé : Tamil Nadu
“A demeure en exil ? Être réfugié tamoul sri lankais au Tamil Nadu” par Anthony Goreau-Ponceaud
Nous avons le plaisir de signaler la parution d’un article d’Anthony Goreau-Ponceaud intitulé “A demeure en exil ? Être réfugié tamoul sri lankais au Tamil Nadu”. Cet article est paru dans la revue Carnets de Géographes dans le cadre d’un dossier spécial consacré aux “Espaces de l’entre-deux”
Cet article porte sur les migrants tamouls sri-lankais vivant en camp au Tamil Nadu depuis les années 1980. Fondé sur des données collectées au gré de plusieurs séjours entre 2010 et 2013, il explore la question de la marginalisation, des limitations et des processus d’exclusion dont souffre cette population, tout en nuançant ce constat en mettant l’emphase sur la manière dont les pratiques et les initiatives de ces migrants infléchissent ces processus de mise à l’écart en produisant des espaces de l’entre-deux.
This article deals with the Sri Lankan Tamils refugees in Tamil Nadu, from the first arrivals in 1983, following the Sinhalese violence against the Tamils after black July pogrom up to the present days. Based on both primary and secondary data collected through a filed survey conducted in June 2010, June 2012 and July and August 2013, this article explore the issue of marginalization, limitation and exclusion processes that affected the Sri Lankan refugees in Tamil Nadu. By using interviews in order to reveal their life story, this article shows that the practices of these migrants produce in-between spaces.
via: http://www.carnetsdegeographes.org/carnets_recherches/rech_07_06_Goreau_Ponceaud.php
“Tamil asylum seeker held at sea wasn’t asked basic questions, high court hears” by Ben Doherty
“”In the case of the 157 Tamil asylum seekers, customs officials asked no questions about the asylum seekers’ safety in India or reasons for leaving Sri Lanka. They asked only “brief biographical details,” the court heard.
Ron Merkel QC, acting for the asylum seekers, told the court sending the Tamils back to India, where they had no right to be registered as refugees, no work rights, or access to health or education services, was a breach of international law. The asylum seekers also faced the risk of being sent back to Sri Lanka from India.””
“India-Sri Lanka agree to find long term solution to fishermen issue” by Learn Hadoop
India and Sri Lanka on Friday reiterated their commitment to finding a long term solution to the issue of Indian fishermen running into trouble with Sri Lankan authorities in the Indian Ocean.
“Hundreds of Tamils Have Simply Vanished on the Perilous Sea Voyage to Australia” by Aarti Betigeri
the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA), which works extensively with Sri Lankan Tamils in India — estimates that 800 asylum seekers have disappeared over a three-year period, while trying to travel from South India to Australia by sea. It’s an appalling and largely unpublicized figure, if true.
via: http://time.com/2975320/australia-refugee-tamil-sri-lanka/
“Jayalalithaa’s Mercy is Politically Savvy” by Shahina KK
“The LTTE may be well known as a terrorist organisation, but to be an LTTE supporter is a natural state of political being for many Tamilians. This explains the mass support in favour of the convicts in the Rajiv Gandhi assassination case being released. This was also the reason for the ‘inordinate delay’ taken over their mercy petitions; no Government at the Centre wanted to invite the wrath of the powerful regional parties in Tamil Nadu by hanging the assassins.”
via: http://www.openthemagazine.com/article/real-india/jayalalithaa-s-mercy-is-politically-savvy
source: www.openthemagazine.com
“Keeping India at bay” by Ahilan Kadirgamar
India’s support for devolution of power and substantive demilitarisation are all overshadowed by the Palk Bay fishing conflict between Tamil Nadu fishers and Northern Sri Lankan fishers
via: http://www.thehindu.com/opinion/lead/keeping-india-at-bay/article5620928.ece
source: www.thehindu.com
“PM decides against Colombo visit, Khurshid to head Indian delegation” by Jayanth Jacob (Hindustan Times)
The government on Saturday decided Prime Minister Manmohan Singh will not attend the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Colombo, after succumbing to domestic political pressures besides realising a prime minister visit wouldn’t bring it desired results on Tamil cause.
source: www.hindustantimes.com
Nirmala Rajasingam’s interview “Sri Lanka: Many Challenges apart from the Tamil National Question” (Newsclickin)
Nirmala Rajasingam, founder of the Sri Lanka Democracy Forum and who is based in the United Kingdom speaks to Newsclick about the challenges faced by the civil society and democracy activists in Sri Lanka. She appeals to the Tamil speaking people in India, the international civil society and the Left in India, to be cognisant of the new challenges faced in post-civil war Sri Lanka, where militarisation, military triumphalism, neoliberalism and Sinhala Buddhist Nationalism have created new discontents apart from the still un-rehabilitated and traumatised Tamil populations – both in the North and the East and in the plantations and the hill country.
To watch the interview click on the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=1ty9mp7P3ac
source: www.youtube.com