“First Batch of Army Recruits from Jaffna to Pass Out on Sept.20” by News.lk

Asylum seekers who sought protection in Australia and were returned to Sri Lanka say they have been tortured, in new claims aired on SBS.

In an SBS Dateline program aired on Tuesday night two asylum seekers – known as Bhanu and Narada – made allegations they had been tortured after being returned to Sri Lanka from Australia.

via: http://www.news.lk/news/sri-lanka/item/3001-first-batch-of-army-recruits-from-jaffna-to-pass-out-on-sept-20

“SRI LANKA: A young man tortured to death in Kandaketiya police custody” by Asian Human Rights Commission

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding a young man of the age of 17 who was illegally arrested by officers from the Kandaketiya police and severely tortured along with his brother and another family member. Despite appeals by his parents and lawyers the Magistrate who heard the case presented by the police ignored face that he had been tortured. Denied of medical treatment, P.H. Sadun Mallinga died in the remand prison while his brother held him in his arms.

via: http://www.humanrights.asia/news/urgent-appeals/AHRC-UAC-077-2014

source: www.humanrights.asia