“Farming recovery in Sri Lanka’s ex-war zone exposes water woes” by Amantha Perera

Since Sri Lanka’s three-decade civil war ended in 2009, Nagarathnam Ganeshan has faced a major new uncertainty: how much water he will have to grow his crops.

see: http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/08/12/us-sri-lanka-agriculture-water-idUSKCN0QH0BV20150812

“Single Mothers Battle on in Former War Zone” by Amantha Perera

“VALIPUNAM, Sri Lanka, Jul 7 2014 (IPS) – The village of Valipunam, 322 km north of Sri Lanka’s capital Colombo, occupies one of the remotest corners of the country’s former war zone. The dirt roads are impossible to navigate, there are no street lights, telephone connections are patchy and the nearest police post is miles away, closer to the centre of the battle-scarred Mullaitivu district.”

via: http://www.ipsnews.net/2014/07/single-mothers-battle-on-in-former-war-zone/