Nous tenons à vous informer les dates suivantes ce mois-ci : “Tamil societies and visibility“, le 23 mai après-midi, et de “Tamil writers in Exile” le 24 mai après-midi.
En effet, le programme thématique Non-lieux de l’exil s’associe avec le programme Inde de la Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’homme, ainsi que le Centre of South Asian Studies de l’Université de Cambridge dans l’organisation d’un double panel, les 23 et 24 mai 2014. Ces panels se dérouleront au 190 avenue de France, 75013 Paris.
Le programme et toutes les informations se trouvent sur :
Les intervenants :
Luxmy (Nagaluxmy Sivasamboo) was born in Sri Lanka and left for France in 1981. She obtained a degree in Civil engineering at the University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. She has been actively involved in the cultural politics of Tamil diaspora in Europe since 1990 and was one of the active members of the Tamil Literature Conference based in Exile from later part of eighties. Luxmy is one of the founding editors of ‘Uyirnizhal’ – a Tamil printed magazine for culture, fine arts and criticism from 2000 and she was one of the editors of the magazine ‘Exil’ (between 1995 to 1999). She has written many articles and critics, also translated numerous articles and short stories from English and French to Tamil. Most of them appeared in Tamil diaspora journals and webzines. As a publisher (Exil Publication), she has published several anthologies of poetry from 1992.
Delon Madavan is Doctor of Geography at the University of Paris-Sorbonne. He is a researcher affiliated with the Centre for the Study and Research on India, South Asia and its diaspora (CERIAS-UQUAM). His thesis focuses on the socio-spatial integration of the Tamil minority in Colombo, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. He studied this minority’s integration through an analysis of their citizenship, their citadinity and transnationality. Delon Madavan is also the author and co-author of several articles and books on Sri Lanka, and Jaffna town in particular. He also organized several conferences on the impact of the Sri Lankan conflict and is a co-director of the website Sri lanka & Diasporas.
Annamaria Motrescu-Mayes is an Affiliated Lecturer and a Research Associate at the Centre of South Asian Studies (CSAS), and a Research Fellow in Arts and Social Sciences at Clare Hall, University of Cambridge. Annamaria uses her research, publications and graduate teaching to contribute to the field of visual rhetoric and historical studies. She teaches a course on ‘Visual rhetoric and modern South Asian history’ at CSAS, and is currently designing new visual teaching and research resources in collaboration with the Indian National Council of Educational Research and Training. Annamaria is also the founder of the ‘Amateur Cinema Studies Network’ (
Pradeepan Raveendran was born in Sri Lanka in July 1981. He is a self-taught photographer and filmmaker. He has been living in Paris, France since 2004. Pradeepan’s first directorial debut was in 2009 with the short film ”A Mango Tree in the Front Yard”. This film was an official selection at the Berlin International Film Festival in 2009 and subsequently nominated for a Golden Bear. His second short film ”Shadows of Silence” was premiered at the ‘Director’s Fortnight’ in Cannes International Film Festival 2010. Both films screened at various film festivals.
Remo Reginold is a South Asian Scholar and Performance theorist. He is a doctoral candidate at Cardiff University, and an affiliated scholar with the Centre of South Asian Studies, University of Cambridge. From 2008 to 2011 he was a Junior Research Fellow with the Centre for Just Peace and Democracy (CJPD), Geneva. Since 2012 he is affiliated with the Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme (FMSH), Paris, collaborating on the Programme Asie du Sud and Programme Non-lieux de l’exil. Reginold’s areas of specialisation are Phenomenology, Semiotics, Art theories, Ethnographic Studies and Tamil Cultural Studies.
Sujit Sivasundaram is Lecturer in World and Imperial History since 1500 at the University of Cambridge and a Fellow of Gonville and Caius College. His most recent book is ‘Islanded: Britain, Sri Lanka and the Bounds of an Indian Ocean Colony’ (University of Chicago Press, 2013). In 2012 he won a Philip Leverhulme Prize for History, awarded to young scholars in the UK for contributions to research. He is a Visiting Professor at EHESS this academic year.